Don’t show your feelings at work

Don’t show your feelings at work!

Feelings are something we are more or less encouraged NOT to SHOW at our work place. We should be more professionals and leave our emotions “at home”. WHY?

Today studies show the opposite, that it helps employees and also the result of the company if we are more vulnerable and give one and other the psychological safety.

The text is based on the book No Hard Feelings by authors Fossilen & Duffy

1. It’s possible to build a healthy emotional culture at work through small, positive actions
A healthy emotional culture in the workplace makes a difference. A study, found that organizations which discourage compassion and gratitude have higher staff turnover rates.

2. We know that employees feel devoted to their job if we create and cultivate a sense of belonging
A feeling of not belonging among employees is one of the highest predictors of turnover. Research shows that employees who get a warm welcome from their managers on the first day at the office are more productive a full nine months later.

3. Leaders should display vulnerability and think carefully about HOW they share
It’s important for leaders to share their emotions. That’s because employees perform to higher standards and act kindlier to colleagues if they feel a personal connection with their leaders.

4. Being a little less passionate about your work will help you manage stress, anxiety and the risk of burnout
What are the chances that you’ll look back on your life and wish you’d spent more late nights in the office? Probably pretty low.

5. You’ll make better decisions if you accept that emotions affect our decision-making process
When you are making decisions at or about work, you should always pay attention to your emotions because they can be an important source of information.

6. Teams that are offered psychological safety are happier and more productive
What matters in a team is not the seniority or experience of the people involved, but their attitudes toward each other. And what really matters is the extent of psychological safety within the group.

7. Learning how to communicate how you feel, without being emotional, will help you in the workplace
The answer lies in acknowledging your emotions, without becoming emotional. Easier said than done.  We are fairly poor in Finland to use emojis in work emails. To avoid text and email misunderstandings. “Don’t be late!” message could be improved by the addition of a smiley. An emoji might be a small gesture – but as we’ve seen, even small gestures are an important step toward a healthier, happier emotional culture in the workplace.

Susanne Ehrnrooth
Leadership Developer


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